Tuesday, December 25

Boxing day - Sydney Hobart race

In true Sydney sider style we celebrated boxing day with a leisurely start and then a picnic while we watched the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race. What the photos just don't show is the number of boats that were in the harbour to watch the race, every boat bigger than a kayak was gathered round the starting track and created a whirlpool of waves around the heads as the big boats left the harbour for the open seas. We watched from Middle Head where we could hear the starters gun and see the boats do the full turn around the heads and south along the coast to Bondi.

Below you can see the boats curving to the right around the South Head and heading out to the open sea. The white water is not surf!! Its the wake caused by the hundreds of pleasure craft that watch the start.

1 comment :

Graeme said...

yes, it always amazes how many boats can fit in the Sydney Harbour! We missed the arrivals of the boats in Hobart by a day - but the festivites and festivals were still in full swing when we arrived.