Well our Red Hill winemaking experience has come to a final close when we bottled the 2006 Red Hill Pinot Noir.
It would not have been possible without Tony who both gave lots and lots of advice during the picking, fermenting and pressing and then looked after our precious barrel at the Foxeys Cellar door for a whole year.
Then he very generously let us invade his winery again, at harvest time when he is hectically busy, and lent us all the equipment to do the bottling by hand. So now we have several cases of Burgess Red Hill pinot ready to drink and I must say it is delicious!!!!
We hope that its not the last time we go down this road and that there are other vintages of various types in our future.
The proud wine makers first glass of his vintage - not every day a dream comes true
So it was a bittersweet end to an amazing adventure. Quite hard to be in the great beauty of Red Hill and with our much loved friends, but not at home any more. I really do love that part of the world and the people that we connected with during our time there. But it still was an immensly satisfying day and I think we all enjoyed our tasks on the production line. Andrea, Abbie and Keeley joined us for the day, so they saw every part of the process too, and were also roped into working - no such thing as a free lunch - and even the little girls got in on the act, very seriously putting the caps on the bottles one by one or putting the corks into the machine, and at other times ran around and climbed the barrels or treehouse with Katie and Julian.
The bottling line up for the day - Eva, Brendan, Ella and Abbie, Tony, Andrea & Paul - & Keeley observed enthusiastically!

It was an amazing day and reminded me what a huge experience it has been, what wonderful friends we made, what incredible memories we will always have. Red Hill will always hold a special place in my heart.
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