Friday, January 11

Eva's Birthday

Well as usual I was spoiled rotten by family, from the time before 6am that Ella woke me up with "Happy Birthday Mummy your presents are under the bed!!" and lots of kisses.

One of my presents was a wonderful new camera and I took this shot of the early morning sun through the leaves outside our window still sitting in bed. Then I was treated to a lovely dinner by my wonderful husband and the next day Levi and Ella gave me a party, complete with champagne, wonderful cake and candles and glorious dinner, at the ever fabulous Saville Isaacs home. You will see a photo of the family water fight on their deck below, unfortunately I have had to remove most of the photo so that there is no rudie nudie!!
This is the happiest birthday I have had in years, feeling more settled and peaceful at last and with my beloved family. Throughout the day I received messages or spoke to all those dear to me, both near and far, once again showing that distance is no barrier to true friendship and closeness.

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